Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuttle archives

I have started digging through all of my hard drives as I have been looking for some photographs for my new site, process is not all that much fun, but I have found some images in some folders that I thought were somewhere else. This is one of them. I shot this photo of my children, Erin and Zach years ago in Cayman. Kind of cool and a great memory of a fantastic trip....Oh yeah, why the site? Lots has happened since my last post, I resigned from the Eagle after over 20 years! Nutty? Freelancing is my new world, corporate, weddings (, seniors and I am shooting sports and other event for the Associated Press and others. I have several projects that I am very excited about doing that are still in my photojournalism world. I am also teaching several workshops over the summer, one in Wichita, in June, the rest are out of town gigs. The Eagle has been awesome, but it is time to say goodbye and do something I have wanted to do for years, have my own photography business. My time at that newspaper has been wonderful and I wish them nothing but the best, I truly have been honored to be a member of that great photography staff.....stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Jeff!!! I know this next chapter will be a wonderful journey for you. I absolutely love this picture of your kids....I remember them at this age!!! Seems like a lifetime ago doesn't it? I want information on your workshop in June!!! Don't you dare forget about me!!!! :) I've been very patient and am really looking forward to learning some great stuff! And anytime you guys need a tag along for your weddings, or whatever....I'm your gal. I work for free!! Watching how you guys do your thing would be payment enough for me. I LOVE watching, learning, keep that in mind!!! :) I'll be waiting to hear from you Mr. Tuttle!!! Tell your wife and kids hi too!!
